Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In an ideal world, 90%...okay...maybe 80%...of my clients would be newborns.  Don't get me wrong, I love children and families and couples and, well, pretty much everyone, but there's something about a wrinkly little newborn that melts my heart.

I attempting to take pictures of my daughter when she was a newborn.  They  Lets just say my talent was not quite where it is now.  Here - I'll show you an example:

You may not be able to see it when it's this small, but let me tell you - it's GRAINY.  And that blanket did not work well for that shoot.


Now that I have a newborn shoot coming up (actually, several), and I have all sorts of "fancy" props and equipment, I thought I'd get it out and practice.  Since there are no newborns at my house, Bitty Baby volunteered.  She wasn't very cooperative.  

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Here Fishy Fishy...

I have always loved the fish bowl pictures that I've seen photographers do.  They looked like so much fun.  However, whenever a photographer posted one, a bunch of people would get on their cases about the treatment of the poor goldfish.

Well - here is my fish picture.  No fish were harmed during the taking of this picture because there were no fish actually used!

Except goldfish crackers...

I love this girl.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Behind the Scenes

As you can see, my husband has once again neglected to mow the yard.  So...picture time it is!  While I was out taking some pictures for some wonderful Etsy vendors, I got some "behind the scenes" shots.

Even Odin loves to get in on it:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Catching Up

Yes - I know - I'm horrible about keeping up with this blog.  Anyways.  I got a new lens, and I am in LOVE.  Here are a few shots from today.

Yes.  Our dog is crazy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I love this spot outside, behind our house.  It's absolutely gorgeous to take pictures in.  Too bad my husband has to mow it tomorrow.
I have more photos from this set, I just don't have time to go through them all.  So this will have to do for now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Camera Love

I adore my DSLRs.  I've got two of them now (and I'm secretly wanting another).  However I also love old cameras.  Right now they're just sitting around as decorations, but one day I'll buy some film and take some pictures with them.  Or use them as props.  Or both.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I love fondue.  It is without a doubt my favorite food in the world.  If we have to be specific, I really love cheese fondue.  If you haven't been to The Melting Pot, you need to go.
My husband made fondue for our housewarming party this past weekend, and apparently he felt the desire to make it again tonight.  And that's why I love him.


I forgot to mention, we do have one other member of our family.  He's a rather new addition.  This is Odin - he's a Blue Heeler mix.  Blue Heeler's (also known as Australian Cattle Dogs) are herding dogs, and boy does he like to to herd people - especially Emery.  He seems to think she's a small cow.

Bath Time

See - I'm already off to a horrible start.  These photos were taken yesterday.

I love bath time with Emery, now that she is starting to play around in there.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Beginning

I keep meaning to do a Project 365, but I can never manage to commit.  You'd think for someone who loves photography as much as I do, I could manage to take one photograph a day.  It just doesn't ever seem to be that simple.  But I think I'm finally ready to give it another go.

These photos are not from today (I'll make a new post with those later), but I wanted to introduce you to me and my family.

My adorable daughter:

My wonderful husband:

And this is me: